Public Notices
Current Public Hearing Notices, Job Postings, and Bid Listings
Public Notices
This section contains current relevant information for citizens of Tontitown. Current Public Hearing Notices, Job Postings, and Bid Listings are listed in this section.

NOTICE: Waste Management Billing
Waste Management billing inadvertently sent out an invoice to yellow bag waste customers as part of an annual account update to their billing system. If you receive an unusual invoice, please disregard the invoice. You will be receiving an account credit removing the...

NOTICE: Road Closure
Beginning Monday, June 3rd Klenc Road & Hwy. 412 will be closed. Landfill traffic will reroute to Harmon Road. This project is tentatively scheduled for June 3rd-7th, but could be extended, weather permitting. Thank you for patience and cooperation during this...

Drinking Water Quality Report
Your Annual Drinking Water Quality Report from the Arkansas Department of Health is available at, as well as here on our website. Copies are also available upon request from our office.

City Wide Garage Sale Maps
The City of Tontitown will host our annual City-Wide Garaage Sale event on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday May 2nd – 5th. The map below shows the addresses registered so far, and we are including a link to the Google map of the event at the bottom of the page. CLICK...
Angela Russell – Mayor
Jamie Malone - Administrative Assistant to the Mayor
Luann Jenison - City Administration / HR
Tontitown City Administration Building & City Hall
Open from 8:00 am till 4:30 pm. Offices Located in this building are Administration, Accounting, Building, Planning, and Public Works Department.
Located at:
235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR 72762
(Located in Tontitown next to the Park)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR 72770
Tontitown Water Utility
Mailing Address: PO Box 127, Tontitown AR 72770
Physical Address: 201 E Henri de Tonti Blvd, Tontitown AR 72762
Tontitown City Administration Building
235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR 72762
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR 72770
Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
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