Online Applications

Residential Service Application

Welcome to Tontitown Water Utility’s Residential Service Application.  Follow the step-by-step process below to complete the Service application.

Once you have submitted your online application, TWU staff will review your application and contact you if there are any questions. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be notified of any fees. When we have received your payment, we will start your service.

Residential Service Application

Contact Information

Service Address: *
Service Address:
Mailing Address: *
Mailing Address:
Driver’s license copies are required for ALL names that will appear on the account.
Please provide a copy of your driver's license. (Upload copies of all individuals on the account):

Maximum file size: 5MB

Previous Address: (Act 769 of 2003) *
Previous Address: (Act 769 of 2003)

Service Information

Would you like to receive your bill by email? *
Please choose one or more of the following services: *

This service agreement and deposit is to guarantee the due payment of any indebtedness for any service due Tontitown Water Utility. This deposit shall be retained in escrow, without interest, by Tontitown Water Utility.

The undersigned customer also agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of Tontitown Water Utility now in effect or those that may be hereafter established by Tontitown Water Utility. When service to the above customer at the stated address is permanently discontinued, and payment of all amounts due the Tontitown Water Utility are cleared, said service deposit shall be applied to the final billing and the remainder, if any, returned to the depositor.

Tontitown Water Utility
Mailing Address:

PO Box 127
Tontitown, AR 72770
Physical Address:
201 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown, AR 72762


Angela Russell – Mayor
Jamie Malone -  Administrative Assistant to the Mayor
Luann Jenison - City Administration  /  HR

Tontitown City Administration Building & City Hall

Open from 8:00 am till 4:30 pm. Offices Located in this building are Administration, Accounting, Building, Planning, and Public Works Department.

Located at:
235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
(Located in Tontitown next to the Park)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770

Tontitown Water Utility
Mailing Address: PO Box 127, Tontitown AR 72770
Physical Address: 201 E Henri de Tonti Blvd, Tontitown AR 72762

Tontitown City Administration Building

235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770


Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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