Tontitown Grape Festival

Tontitown Grape Festival

We’ve got the juice!

Every August since 1899, the Tontitown Grape Festival, sponsored by St. Joseph’s Church, has been the scene of fun for folks of all ages. One of the biggest festivals in Northwest Arkansas, the Grape Festival draws people from all over the United States and beyond.

The Tontitown Grape Festival celebrates Tontitown’s Italian heritage with great live entertainment, a Carnival, an Arts & Crafts Fair, a used book sale, a Run for the Grapes (for both kids and adults), and the annual coronation of the Queen of the Festival. Come share in the fun and while you’re here fill up on some fine Italian cuisine.

Visit the official Tontitown Grape Festival website for a full schedule and description of this year’s festival events!

Angela Russell – Mayor
Jamie Malone -  Administrative Assistant to the Mayor
Luann Jenison - City Administration  /  HR

Tontitown City Administration Building & City Hall

Open from 8:00 am till 4:30 pm. Offices Located in this building are Administration, Accounting, Building, Planning, and Public Works Department.

Located at:
235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
(Located in Tontitown next to the Park)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770

Tontitown Water Utility
Mailing Address: PO Box 127, Tontitown AR 72770
Physical Address: 201 E Henri de Tonti Blvd, Tontitown AR 72762

Tontitown City Administration Building

235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770


Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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