Online Applications

Solicitor License Application

Welcome to the City of Tontitown’s Solicitor License Application. Follow the step-by-step process to complete the application.

Once you have submitted your online application, city staff will review your application and contact you if there are any questions. Once reviews and approvals are complete you will be notified of the fee due for issuance of permit. When we have received your payment, your license permit will be sent to the mailing address provided on the application.

You will be required to submit a Criminal Background Check from Arkansas State Police on all solicitors. Arkansas State Police can be reached at 479-751-6663 or at

Solicitor License Application

Staff Use:


Business Information

Address *
Are warranties applicable: *
Dates of Solicitation:

Solicitor Information

Please list ALL persons who will solicit in the City on behalf of the business, and upload a copy of each person’s state issue identification. Also include a copy of each person’s Criminal Background check from the Arkansas State Police. If more than four (4) solicitors will solicit, you must upload a separate sheet below with the above information, or email to

Angela Russell – Mayor
Jamie Malone -  Administrative Assistant to the Mayor
Luann Jenison - City Administration  /  HR

Tontitown City Administration Building & City Hall

Open from 8:00 am till 4:30 pm. Offices Located in this building are Administration, Accounting, Building, Planning, and Public Works Department.

Located at:
235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
(Located in Tontitown next to the Park)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770

Tontitown Water Utility
Mailing Address: PO Box 127, Tontitown AR 72770
Physical Address: 201 E Henri de Tonti Blvd, Tontitown AR 72762

Tontitown City Administration Building

235 E Henri de Tonti Blvd
Tontitown AR  72762
Mailing Address:
PO Box 305, Tontitown AR  72770


Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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